Christmas Offering
At Christ Church, we are ambitious to fund good in the world. By giving to our general offering, you have the opportunity to join us on this adventure of faith with God by funding not only the financial health of the church, but also to serve the community and those in need.
This looks like…
Feed the Need
Meeting the immediate needs of families through our food distribution programs and our partnership with Love INC.
*Food distributions at two of our campuses that feed hundreds of people each month
*Weekly backpacks of food for approximately 240 students in Olmsted and Elyria schools
*Emergency assistance to individuals and families through our partnership with Love INC.
Night to Shine
We are honored and excited to announce that Christ Church will be serving as one of the host sites of Night to Shine 2025. This is an unforgettable prom night experience sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation centered on God’s love which celebrates people with special needs. It is held in-person by host churches around the world simultaneously.
This is an opportunity for our church to share the love and beauty of Christ with our community by ensuring that those with special needs know that they are valued and loved.
West Campus New Building Compaign
We are excited to take the next steps toward breaking ground for a new facility for West Campus. We aspire to build a facility that will serve the growing needs of our community and attract people to the excellence of Jesus Christ.
We partner with Emmaus Seminary to help develop our staff and the next generation of church leaders. Through our partnership we are able to provide low cost Seminary degrees for our staff and interns.
Year End Giving
Fully funding our year-end ministry and starting 2025 strong as we partner with God to bring good into the world.
Why We Give
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus teaches us that our words and actions mirror what’s truly in our hearts. Jesus also tells us that He is more interested in the state of our hearts than anything else.
Here’s what giving says about the state of our hearts. When we give, we acknowledge the goodness of God toward us because we recognize that everything we have comes from Him—and then we are able to trust Him with our finances and include Him in financial decisions. As we trust Him, we express our faith in His ability to provide for our needs. When we demonstrate generosity in giving, we are putting others before ourselves and therefore become more like Christ, who so generously gave us the very best He had to offer.
The objective of the Generous Life team is to approach life as stewards, or caretakers, of all we have been given. We recognize that everything comes from God, and He desires that we manage those things in a way that accomplishes His purpose. Our team focuses on helping people be good stewards of their time, talents, and finances.
Wealth and Wisdom is a series of classes and seminars aimed at equipping people to be able to make quality financial decisions in areas that affect our daily lives. Our regular options include Budgeting, Social Security, Estate Planning, Medicare 101, Long Term Care Planning, and Insurance. Visit the events page to see the current schedule.
The following books will help you gain practical insight and Biblical wisdom on pertinent financial matters:
Money Problems, Marriage Solutions by Chuck and Ann Bentley
Master Your Money by Ron Blue
Family Financial Workbook by Larry Burkett
Money, Possessions, Eternity by Randy Alcorn
Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey
Ways We Give
Give Now
Secure giving links allow you to make your donation easily and conveniently.
At A Campus
Simply place cash or checks in an offering box located at each campus, during any of the weekend services. Be sure to use an envelope and include your name and address in order to receive credit for tax purposes.
Using Our App
Text “christchurchoh app” to 77977 to download the Christ Church Ohio App.
By Text
Text the keyword for the campus you usually attend to 77977.
- Columbia Station Keyword: christchurchcs
- Old Brooklyn Keyword: christchurchob
- West Campus Keyword: christchurchwest
Give Online
Electronic giving is easy and convenient. To get started, simply click one of the campus buttons. Choose the campus through which you’d like your giving recorded. Enter an amount, choose a one-time gift or set-up a recurring gift. Then choose the Giving Type/Fund to which you’d like to give.
If you have questions or would like more info, like creating or canceling a recurring gift, contact the church office.

Giving FAQ
Why does God ask me to give to the church?
When we give to the church, we fund the ministry that God wants to accomplish within the local community to fulfill His purpose in the world. Through our giving, we get to partner with Him in what He wants to do!
How do I start?
First—pray about how you might give. Typically, in the church, giving is referred to as tithing. A tithe is 10% of your income given when you earn it. If you are new to giving, or if that amount doesn’t seem possible, prayerfully consider how you can develop a plan to start with a smaller amount and work your way up to a full tithe.
For example, you may start by giving 3% each payday, and then set a goal to increase that percentage on a regular basis. Or you could start with a set dollar amount and give that regularly, increasing the amount from time to time until you are tithing.
The most important part is to make a commitment, start giving and stay consistent. Remember to thank God for the ability to give and ask Him to bless your giving so that it will accomplish great things for His church. Check out the resources tab for h
elpful information on getting started.
What is the difference between a tithe and an offering?
An offering is a gift above the tithe. There are opportunities throughout the year to contribute to specific initiatives. You can also choose to contribute to our Benevolence Fund, which allows us to meet the immediate needs of families and individuals.
What is benevolence?
By definition, benevolence is the desire to do good to others, usually through a charitable gift. Jesus teaches us that when we take care of others that are in difficult life situations, we’re taking care of Him. As a church, we take care of others by giving to our benevolence fund through offerings. An offering is above our normal giving, and can be given at any time. However, we do have special offerings throughout the year that are designed to meet specific needs.
Those in need of financial assistance contact the church, or our partner organization, Love In the Name of Christ, and go through a process which not only helps meet their immediate need, but can also help them to be better equipped to handle future situations.
Does benevolence matter?
None of us know what heaven will be like, but the apostle Paul tells us we can “store up for ourselves treasures as a good foundation for the future’’ by giving to the church (1 Timothy 6:18-19). The full meaning of this may seem mysterious, but we can think of it as investing in our eternal future. It also matters in the present. When we give, life changing ministry here at Christ Church is funded. People of all ages can hear the good news about Christ, and then are given opportunities to grow in their faith to become more like Christ.
What is the More Than Campaign?
Several years ago, God led Christ Church to a new adventure in starting our first campus in Elyria. From day one our vision was to be a thriving local church! We are passionate about reaching people far from God and connecting them to Jesus Christ. We are fully committed to kids and students and making church a place they can thrive! We believe in doing life together and we aspire to serve our community with the love and compassion of Jesus.
In 2018, it became apparent that West Campus in Elyria, would soon outgrow its current building. After weighing the pros and cons of building at the existing location or purchasing property, God led us to begin the process of planning a new facility.
During the fall of 2018, God led us to a property located on Archer Rd in Eaton Township. The land borders North Ridgeville and Elyria and is only five minutes from our original location. There are 23 acres and it is very visible from the highway. After much prayer, we decided this was where we would build our future home! As a result, the “More Than” campaign launched in October, 2018. In 2020, we were able to purchase the land.
Through this campaign and over the next five years we are raising funds to purchase the land and build on the dreams of reaching more of God’s lost kids through the construction of a new facility. The dream is big, but we know that our God is bigger, and we are “More than conquerors through Him who loves us.” (Romans 8:37)
Will you prayerfully consider joining us on this grand adventure? You can give to the “More Than” campaign for the West Campus of Christ Church by clicking the Give to More Than button or by marking your offering envelopes with More Than.
Thanks for your generosity! May the Lord bless you and keep you!
Can I set up recurring giving?
Yes you can!
- Under the Online Giving section of this page, select the campus you typically attend.
- Enter the amount you would like to give.
- Select the “set up recurring” tab under the “Gift type” heading.
- Follow the prompts to establish frequency, begin date, and which fund you would like to give to.
Can I modify or cancel my scheduled giving?
Yes you can!
- Under the “Online Giving” section of this page, select the campus you typically attend.
- Click on Your Account – top right of screen.
- Select Manage Account.
- For security reasons you may be asked to sign in with your cell phone number. A text will be sent to you with a security code. You will need to enter that code to proceed.
- Scroll to find SCHEDULED GIFTS.
- Select the gift you wish to edit.
- From this next screen you can cancel, pause or edit your recurring gift.
Can I request a refund?
You can schedule new contributions at any time and can modify or cancel those contributions at any time prior to the date they are scheduled. Once the contribution has been processed however it cannot be cancelled.
If you have any problems or questions related to this, please contact the church office at (440) 236-8282,
When will I receive my giving statement?
To view/print your giving statement:
- Log into your CCConnect account.
- Select the Give tab to the left of your screen.
- Click on the gray box that says “giving statement” in the upper right corner.
- Select individual or family statement, the dates you are looking for, and click “run report”.
- If you need assistance with your giving statement please contact the church office at (440) 236-8282.
How does Christ Church practice financial accountability?
“We want to avoid any criticism of the way we administer this liberal gift. For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of men.” – 2 Corinthians 8:20-21 (NIV)
Christ Church is committed to honoring God’s provision by exercising wise and faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability to ensure the financial integrity of Christ Church remains above reproach. We accomplish this through a system of internal controls and an internal budgeting and reporting process.
Your information is held securely by our church management system. This information will remain private and will never be given away to third parties, other than to process your scheduled contributions.